Why Worship at RCPC?
Human beings are created to marvel, wonder, and adore. In worship, we join together in the holy mystery of the triune God, that we might grow more faithfully to reflect the life of our Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer.

Sunday Service Times:
Sunday Morning Worship
(Memorial Day to Labor Day)
One service only at 10:00 AM Sanctuary
Sunday Morning Worship
(Labor Day to Memorial Day)
9:00 AM Chapel
11:00 AM Sanctuary (An interpreter for the hearing-impaired is available at this service.)
Our worship is grounded in the historic liturgy of the Church. Our prayers come from saints of the past and words expressed for our present life. Hymns and anthems draw from traditional text and tune to modern melody and lyrics. We value tradition, but we are contemporary in our outlook and intentional in our structure for each worship experience.
We practice the sacrament of Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month, and all are welcome at Christ's table.
We baptize infants and adults, celebrating God's abundant grace.
Infant and toddler nursery is available.
Following Children's Time during both services, children ages 4 years old through first grade may leave the sanctuary for Children's Worship and will remain there for the remainder of the service.

Evening Prayer Services
On the third Thursday of each month during the program year, we gather for a service of evening prayer in Roberson Chapel. This meditative service features a different theme and music each month as we lift the joys and concerns of our community gathered from the prayer line on the church’s front lawn. This service also includes the celebration of Holy Communion. Please note that some dates below are transferred if the month contains other evening worship services for special liturgical dates throughout the year.
“To Hope and Act with Creation”
Thursday, September 19 at 7:00 PM, The Hope of Creation
A Service of Contemplative Prayer for the Care of Creation
Thursday, October 17 at 7:00 PM, The Awe of Creation
An Interfaith Observance of Rosh Hashanah with the Chailites
Sunday, November 24 at 7:00 PM, The Feast of Creation
A Service of Thanksgiving for Creation
Centering Prayer
Mondays, 10:00 AM at St. Elizabeth’s Episcopal Church
This service practices the ancient art of Lectio Divina (Holy Reading). In meditation the reading of scripture and shared reflections, this service allows worshipers to quiet their hearts and tune their souls to the presence of God.