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What To Expect

Regular Worship Schedule (Sunday after Labor Day to Sunday week before Memorial Day):  
9:00 AM in the Chapel & 11:00 AM in the Sanctuary

Summer Worship Schedule (Sunday of Memorial Weekend to Sunday of Labor Day Weekend):
10:00 AM in the Sanctuary

Our worship is grounded in the liturgical tradition. This means we have paper bulletins that utilize call and response language in prayers and creeds. We sing hymns from the Glory to God hymnal. We use the pipe organ as our primary instrument, and our Sanctuary Choir leads us in singing most weeks. Each Sunday we respond to God's gifts by collecting an offering. All are invited to give, but there is no pressure to contribute. We listen to scripture passages, and our pastors deliver sermons that speak to our intellect and our deepest hopes. Bring your questions and doubts. Worship typically lasts seventy minutes from beginning to end.


Children are welcome in all areas of our church life. They may sit with you in worship, or we have a nursery downstairs staffed by paid nursery workers and church volunteers. All of these individuals have background screenings and have been trained in our Child Protection Policy.  There is Children's Worship at each worship service for kids ages four through second grade. These kids sit with their parents until the Children's Time at the front steps and then move downstairs with church volunteers for their own special worship time. Parents with kids in Children's Worship may pick them up from the Children's Worship Room following the service.


Wear whatever helps you to honor God. We will have men in ties and jackets or a polo and blue jeans. Women may wear a dress or more casual slacks. We are more interested in knowing who you are than judging what you wear.

Other Activities:

On our website, you can find out more information about Christian Education opportunities for ChildrenYouth, and Adults.

Discover where you might step out of yourself and reach out to others in the Mission life of our congregation.

Find new friends in our times of Fellowship. Take the next step in becoming a Member of RCPC.

Raleigh Court Presbyterian Church | 1837 Grandin Road S.W. Roanoke, Va. 24015 | (540) 343-5541 | Contact

Mission | Worship | Sermons | Calendar | Give

Church Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30 AM-4:30 PM, Friday 8:30 AM-1:00 PM

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