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Special Offerings


Two-Cents-A-Meal is an offering collected in both worship services on the last Sunday of each month. It is an offering designed to help us remember that even if we have food to eat, there are others who do not. Congregants are encouraged throughout the month to set aside two cents at every meal to bring in on this final Sunday as an act of solidarity and support. 25% of the collected funds are used by our Hunger Mission team and the rest is sent to the presbytery to fill grants submitted by congregations from throughout the region in their hunger efforts.

Communion Fund

On the first Sunday of each month, all "loose plate offering" (cash and coin) is set aside to a special fund that provides emergency assistance for rent and utilities for those in our area. Monies are passed along to the designated funds at the Presbyterian Community Center and the Roanoke Area Ministries to assist those throughout our city. Congregants may also link their Kroger Plus Card to RCPC, and the money Kroger sends to the church is added to the total sent for this assistance.

Opportunities for Generosity

Every month in the Gathering Area there is a featured mission of the church. These are opportunities for those who feel a special calling to a particular area of the church to make a gift. Sometimes there are financial contributions and at other times there are collections of food supplies, school items, underwear, or a host of other needs.

Alternative Giving

Each December there are a variety of trees in the Gathering Area for those who wish to honor a loved one with a charitable contribution instead of purchasing a gift. Gift tags include presents for Sudanese refugee children, as well as cards to the various ministries RCPC supports in our community. There is also a "stable" set up in December where gently loved stuffed animals may be contributed for donation to area police who use them in situations of domestic violence.

Raleigh Court Presbyterian Church | 1837 Grandin Road S.W. Roanoke, Va. 24015 | (540) 343-5541 | Contact

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Church Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30 AM-4:30 PM, Friday 8:30 AM-1:00 PM

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