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Welcome New Members - March 2023

Becky Carty has lived in Roanoke since 1973 with her husband David. After retiring from Carilion, Becky passes the time reading, going to the gym and playing with her grandchildren: Evan (11), Frank (8), and Monroe (5). Becky’s son Scott along with his family live in Boston. Meredith, her daughter, recently moved back to Virginina from California with her family. Becky also volunteers at Hurt Park Elementary School and Carilion.

Kathy and Chris DeFalco have made Roanoke their home for the past 20 years. Both of their sons are in college; Joshua, Virginia Tech and Luke, George Mason. Enjoying being a stay-at-home mom she also enjoys muisc and appreciates being a part of the RCPC Choir. Presently, Kathy works part-time at a local law office. Chris has spent most of his career working for software companies serving in various roles in service and product management. Running and biking; road and trail, are a few of Chris’ hobbies. He is a advid Steeler football fan and enjoy talking about them at anytime! Being outdoors, seeing new place, walk, hiking or traveling and just generally wandering keep them both busy.

Keith Lewis is a social worker and licensed therapist working at the VA Center. He and his wife, have two sweet, intelligent, kind, and mischievous boys: Clayton and Dacien. Skiing, hiking, camping and distance running are a few of the past times that Keith enjoys. In 2021 Keith was baptised in The Presbyterian Church and jokingly says that his mid-life crisis of becoming Presbyterian is officially the most boring mid-life crisis ever!

Robin and Jordan McLamb were drawn to RCPC by the sense of love and community, as well as the beauty and depth of the tradition. Originally from Canada, Robin moved around as a child and ended up in North Carolina where she met Jordan, a NC native. They have spent most of their 10 years of marriage in Roanoke, but things have gotten an bit louder in the past 3 years with the addition of Jack (3 years) and Dane (11 months.) In 2023 Robin began a new role in phytoremediation which means the treatment of pollutants or waste by the use of green plants that remove, degrade, or stablize the undesirable substanced. You learned something, didn’t you? Jordan works as a counselor in substance-use treatment and is passionate about muisc. A little trivia about Jordan is that he is 6’10” and doesn’t play basketball! As a family, they like to hike and play outside together.

Tyler Person is orginally from Long Island and several years ago moved to Virginia. Tyler and his partner, Nathan, live in the beautiful neighborhood of Wasena with their boxer, Cooper. Home renovations to their 100 year-old house takes up many weekends hours. Currently Tyler is working in education as a behaviorial therapist along with continuing to pursue his Masters in Education. You can find Tyler outside working in his yard, walking the Greenway or hiking the many trails around the Roanoke Valley.

Christina and Steve Urbaniak moved to Roanoke in 2017 from upstate New York in search of a sunny, warm, and mountainous location. They hit the jackpot! They have a daughter, Emily, that is just beginning her degree as a Nurse Practicianer. Their furry chidren are Merta and Edgar who get them out in the Grandin Village neighborhood walking and meeting other dog lovers. Other past times include reading and hiking with their dogs.


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