Endowment Board:
The request from Bradley Free Clinic in the amount of $30,000 to fund the expansion of service hours was approved.
The request from Worship and Music in the amount of $2,340 to purchase new pew card racks was approved.
Personnel and Administration:
A revised job description for the position of Associate Pastor was approved.
A request from preschool to possibly use the sanctuary for their annual Christmas program on Wednesday, December 18, at 9:30 am was approved.
Worship and Music:
Request for the baptism of Claire Rutherford Harrington (Bob and Ann Rutherford’s granddaughter) on December 22 at the 11:00 am worship service was approved.
Session approved a request to hire Art by Lisle to create a live painting during the 11:00 am worship service on Sunday, December 15.
Session approved a request to enhance church security during 11:00 am worship services.