Our family moved to Roanoke in June 2020. We found ourselves in a brand-new city, in the midst of a global pandemic, with a 2-year-old and a 3-month-old baby. Needless to say, these were challenging circumstances in which to find community or to feel a sense of stability! Even during these difficult times, however, God was building a firm foundation for our family. Months earlier, I was researching preschools for our older daughter to attend. Without ever going to anything in person, I decided RCPC might be a good fit because the preschool and the church both looked promising. When I contacted the preschool, there was only one space left! Later that year, when we finally arrived in Roanoke, Hazel started preschool and we started attending church at Raleigh Court.
Since then, becoming part of the RCPC community has helped our family live a life built on the Rock of Christ. Psalm 94:22 says, “the Lord has been my stronghold, my God the rock of my refuge.” God is the one thing in our life that does not change, no matter what is going on in the world around us. He protects us and gives us a place of safety and peace, even (or especially!) during times of transition. Our family has been blessed by God’s steadfastness and how it has manifested itself in the love we feel at RCPC. Both of our girls enjoy coming to church because they get to play in the nursery and participate in Children’s Worship, respectively. And they are excited to come to preschool every week to learn and play. They feel safe and loved when they come to this place. When we had our third child this July, we were overwhelmed by the generosity of church members bringing us meals and wishing us well when we returned to worship. Singing in choir has given me the chance to connect with others and find joy through music. As our family has settled into life in Roanoke, God has given us a reliable place of refuge in RCPC.
-Victoria Skinner
Our faith is built upon the Rock who is our God. Our annual giving to the life and ministry of the Church builds upon this foundation. Please be carefully considering your financial commitment to the life of Raleigh Court Presbyterian Church for the upcoming year. Remember that Celebration Sunday is October 16 when we will turn in our pledge cards and celebrate God's faithfulness among us.