Music Ministries
The Music Ministry is dedicated to fulfilling our mission to lead the congregation in joyful worship. We utilize the God-given musical talents of all ages and abilities to glorify our Lord.

Sanctuary Choir
Rehearsals: Wednesdays at 7:05 PM
The Sanctuary Choir is the principle choral ensemble that supports and enhances our congregational song at Raleigh Court Presbyterian. It also offers choral music to deepen the worship experience at the 11:00 AM sanctuary service each Sunday from Rally Sunday (second Sunday in September) until Pentecost (late May-early June, varies by year). This ensemble is also occasionally called on to lead hymns and offer anthems at Saturday morning funeral services at the church.
The choir’s repertoire is drawn from a broad spectrum of the Church’s musical heritage, including Renaissance polyphony, psalms, spirituals, and folk songs, as well as modern compositions. The choir presents an annual Christmas Concert and Good Friday Tenebrae Service each year and is frequently featured in the Music in Raleigh Court concert series. At least one of these presentations includes a choral masterwork. Previously performed masterworks include Bach’s St. John Passion and Magnificat, the Fauré and Rutter Requiem, Handel’s Messiah, and more.
High school students participating in youth choir are welcome to participate with adults in this choir and no auditions are required; however, the ability to match pitch is necessary and some music reading skill is desirable.
Adult singers interested in taking part in the All Saints Concert (Rutter Requiem) or Christmas Concert during our fall season without the commitment of Sanctuary Choir should contact Dillon for more information and the rehearsal schedules for these opportunities.

Multigenerational Choir
All the choirs of our music ministry gather to offer an anthem together in worship three times a program year. Our usual schedule for this musical offering includes an Advent anthem in December, an anthem for Music Ministry Sunday in February, and a Palm Sunday anthem in March/April. Each choir prepares for these offering during their normal ensemble rehearsals and come on their scheduled Sunday morning to put it all together!
Adult singers interested in joining us for these opportunities without the regular commitment of Sanctuary Choir can contact Dillon for more information.
Christmas Concert Choir
Those interested in participating in the Christmas Concert Choir for this event may contact Director of Music Ministries, Dillon J. Swanson at for more information prior to rehearsals beginning in October.

Chamber Choir
Rehearsals: as needed and determined by director
The Chamber Choir is a smaller ensemble of auditioned singers drawn from the Sanctuary Choir. This choir offers repertoire more suitable for smaller choral ensembles including a cappella music of all periods, Bach cantatas and motets, and contemporary American, French, British, and German music in worship services and concert. This ensemble sings for 8 Sundays a year in both the 9:00 AM chapel and 11:00 AM sanctuary services. The Chamber Choir is also featured in the annual Christmas Concert, Good Friday Tenebrae service, and throughout the Music in Raleigh Court concert series.
Audition and participation in the Sanctuary Choir required.

Raleigh Court Ringers
Rehearsals: Tuesdays at 7:30 PM
The Raleigh Court Ringers is the advanced handbell ensemble at Raleigh Court Presbyterian. Since this ensemble’s founding in 1984, it has advanced and grown to become one of Roanoke’s finest and largest church handbell choirs. Currently, the Raleigh Court Ringers play for 8 Sundays a year as a full choir at the 11:00 AM sanctuary service. This ensemble also presents a shared Christmas program with the Youth Choir at Brandon Oaks and extended prelude on Christmas Eve at the 11pm Candlelight Communion service. Additionally, members of this ensemble appear in chamber groups at the 9:00 AM chapel service throughout the year.
High school students who have participated in Genesis Ringers for at least 3 seasons are welcome to participate with adults in this choir and no auditions are required; however, the ability to read music is required. Adults with previous handbell choir welcome to inquire about joining the ensemble or being added to the substitute list.
Genesis Ringers
Rehearsals: Tuesdays at 6:30 PM
4th Grade—Adult
Following Raleigh Court Presbyterian’s centennial celebration in May 2024, we began to dream about what the next 100 years at RCPC could look like. Through conversations and reflections, the desire for more intergenerational opportunities was heard and to answer this call, the plan for the Genesis Ringers was born. This ensemble, as the name implies, is for beginning and early advancing handbell ringers all ages 4th grade and up. The Genesis Ringers offer music in worship 4 Sundays a year at the 11:00 AM sanctuary service.
In this ensemble of children, youth, and adults, we will learn the basics of handbell ringing and music reading. Parents (or other adult family members) and students can enjoy this choir together. While the basics of music gained from piano lessons or participation in a school orchestra, band, or choir are helpful, music reading is not required and can be learned while participating in this ensemble.

Youth Choir
Rehearsals: Sundays at 5:00 PM
6th Grade—12th Grade
The RCPC Youth Choir offers the opportunity for teenagers to come together to traverse the false boundaries and competitive nature of our society to create beauty and friendship, thereby making a more connected, kinder community through the ministry of music-making. In our choral rehearsals, worship leadership, and performances we are committed to nurturing our singers through voice building, training in musical literacy, and developing artistic expression.
The Youth Choir regularly serve as worship leaders at our 11:00 AM sanctuary worship services. Our schedule includes about 6 Sundays of worship leadership, a shared Christmas program at Brandon Oaks with the Raleigh Court Ringers, the 5:00 PM Christmas Eve service with the God Alive Children’s Choir, and the Good Friday Tenebrae Service with the Sanctuary Choir.

God Alive Children's Choir
Rehearsals: Wednesdays during God Alive
Kindergarten—5th Grade
The God Alive Children’s Choir is offered as part of the God Alive Christian Education program. This graded choral program progresses children through musical concepts and worship skills by age group. It is a wonderful way for children to learn about their church, their faith, and music.
The God Alive Children’s Choir regularly serve as worship leaders at our 11:00 AM sanctuary worship services. Our schedule includes about 6 Sundays of worship leadership, a Wednesday evening Christmas pageant, the 5:00 PM Christmas Eve service, and Children’s Ministry Sunday in April.

When our present sanctuary was built in 1958, a large organ was envisioned, and a correspondingly large organ chamber was included. However, upon completion of the building, only a relatively small 16 rank Moller organ, having limited capabilities, was affordable; the intention was to expand it later. Well, later turned out to be about a half century, during which countless expansion proposals were explored, but none was realized. That is, until in late 2004, RCPC was approached by Second Presbyterian Church in Roanoke with an offer to donate their 29 rank Moller organ, highly compatible with our organ, the two having been built within the same time-frame. The only condition was that it be removed within a month to make room for the immanent installation of their new Goulding & Wood organ.