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Becoming a Member

The Church of the Open Door welcomes into our membership all people who wish to follow Jesus Christ as Lord. To be a member of the church is to covenant to worship, serve, and care with this body of believers, rejoicing, weeping, and journeying together in the Good News of God.

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Step One:

The weekly friendship pad is the place to indicate you wish to join the church. Please mark "wish to join" with your name and contact information, and someone will contact you about membership.

Step Two:

Attend a New Member Class. These classes are held periodically throughout the year and focus on what it means to be a Christian, a Presbyterian, and a member of RCPC.  These classes are not required for membership but are encouraged.

Step Three:

Meet with the Session. You will be invited to meet with the elders to be introduced and to share your interests and faith story. There are three ways to join a Presbyterian Church.

  • Profession of Faith and Baptism - We recognize all Christians previously baptized to join our congregation. We do not require anyone to be rebaptized for, baptism is an expression of God's free grace. For those who have not ever been baptized, you are invited to share your faith and participate in the sacrament of baptism.

  • Transfer of Letter - If you are joining our church but have previously been active in another congregation, we will send a letter to your previous church indicating that you have joined our community of faith.

  • Reaffirmation of Faith - If you have been previously baptized and part of a church community but have not been active for a long period of time you are invited to reaffirm your faith as a new member of our church.

Raleigh Court Presbyterian Church | 1837 Grandin Road S.W. Roanoke, Va. 24015 | (540) 343-5541 | Contact

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Church Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30 AM-4:30 PM, Friday 8:30 AM-1:00 PM

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