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Fellowship Opportunities

Dinners are held Wednesday evenings in the fall and spring in the Fellowship Hall, starting at 6:15 PM. 


Our amazing chef, Heather, has a delicious lineup of meals planned. Meals are a suggested donation of $8 per person and free for those 3 and younger, with a maximum of $25 per family. Each week offers a vegetarian option as well. More details are here. 

Fellowship Dinners

The church is planning on hikes and camping outings in the spring and fall, and looks to recruit a team for the local softball league this spring. 

Outdoor Activities

Several times throughout the year, we as a church family go together to certain festivals or events. Activities may include a Salem Red Sox baseball game or a Rail Yard Dawgs hockey game. Check the bulletin and This Week@RCPC e-mail to learn more. 

Congregational Outings

Evening filled with a wide variety of acts from all ages, including musicians, poets, and skits. We’re always looking for new acts! 

Variety Show

Annual worship service held at Mill Mountain park overlooking Roanoke followed by a potluck meal.

Church on the Mountain

Annual congregational retreat to Massanetta Springs Conference Center outside Harrisonburg, Virginia. This weekend gives us time away from the frantic pace of daily living and allows us to deepen our connection to God and one another. This is a ministry for the entire congregation that seeks to form relationships across the generations of the church.

More Information Here

Congregational Retreat

Pickleball 2
Book Club
Easter Egg Hunt
Pickleball 2
Pickleball 1

Raleigh Court Presbyterian Church | 1837 Grandin Road S.W. Roanoke, Va. 24015 | (540) 343-5541 | Contact

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Church Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30 AM-4:30 PM, Friday 8:30 AM-1:00 PM

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