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Endowment Fund

The RCPC endowment is a ministry of the church that enhances our mission outreach locally and globally. Overseen by a Board of Directors who operate under the authority of the Session, the endowment is structured to maintain continual benevolence. In 2021, the endowment distributed over $133,000 in benevolent gifts.

Qualifications for Mission Legacy Fund and Maultsby Fund 

Readers are referred to Article V of the Fund's Articles of Organization. With respect to Mission Legacy Fund and Maultsby Fund proceeds, the following requirements are in effect: 

  • The recipient's mission/purpose shall be consistent with the mission of the Raleigh Court Presbyterian Church. 

  • The recipient's organization shall be structured in such a way to ensure good accountability and follow-up as to how donated funds are utilized. 

  • Disbursements generally may not be used to fund a recipient's operating budget except for short-term commitments to help seed new programs or to significantly expand the scope of an existing program. 

  • Generally, supported programs should be “outside the church walls”, the primary consideration being the needs, purpose and potential good of the beneficiary (i.e. Funds should not be used for the personal benefit of RCPC members or their families). 

  • Disbursements during the Expenditure Period may not be used to supplement or replace recipients/items in the Missions and Benevolence category of the church's annual operating budget. 

  • Cumulative contributions to one recipient shall generally not exceed 25% of the Fund’s allocation in any one year. 

  • Accountability shall be a requirement of all approved Endowment Fund requests. The recipient shall provide a written follow-up report to the Endowment Board at the end of one year from date of disbursement (or at the Board’s discretion), reflecting how the funds were used and what impact the contribution has had on the endeavors and success of the project.

If you wish to apply for endowment funds, please contact Julie Satterwhite at to request an application form.

2021 Endowment Fund Disbursements:

  • Bradley Free Clinic - $15,422.02 to purchase a generator and freezer

  • Children’s Trust - $3,600 to purchase three laptop computers

  • Bradley Free Clinic - $13,000 to fund a pilot program for a community liaison

  • Ronald McDonald House of Southwest Virginia - $11,050 to replace the parking lot lights

  • TAP - $15,000 to replace the forklift used in the book warehouse

  • Rescue Mission - $20,000 to re-roof the Fralin Free Clinic

  • Mill Mountain Zoo - $8,950 to purchase Science-Nature/Bio-Fact Educational kits

  • Senior Navigator - $12,500 to upgrade their database technology platform

  • ARCH – $28,996 to purchase a used minivan and to seed a scholarship fund for Bethany House

  • Project Forward - $20,000 to fund an initial Back-to-School Shoes project for the city of Roanoke

  • RCPC Preschool - $25,000 advance from 2022 Funds to upgrade the playground

  • RCPC Sabbatical Support Grant - $31,000 advance from 2022 Funds to seed this grant fund

Raleigh Court Presbyterian Church | 1837 Grandin Road S.W. Roanoke, Va. 24015 | (540) 343-5541 | Contact

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Church Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30 AM-4:30 PM, Friday 8:30 AM-1:00 PM

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