Christian Education
We provide many opportunities for all to experience Christ and come to know God's love
Adults at Raleigh Court have a variety of interesting choices to deepen their Christian Education. There is something for everyone. Classes are open and invite all to join them at any time. Come participate in this life-long journey of growing in faith.
Sunday School
Adult Small Groups
Presbyterian Women
The RCPC Children’s Ministry's vision is to extend the love of Christ to the children of our church and beyond. RCPC strives to make young disciples who are in a relationship with one another, God, church, and the world around them in the desire for the children’s knowledge of the Bible and love of their Lord to grow and flourish.
Sunday School
God Alive: mid-week children's program
Children’s Worship
Special Season Opportunities
Bible & Music Camp
Winter VBS
Weekday Preschool
RCPC Youth ministries are rooted in these four tenets of faith, which are reinforced in our Youth activities:
• God loves you, no matter what.
• God created you to love others, to serve others, and to make a difference in the world.
• God wants a relationship with you.
• We know who God is and what God wants because of Jesus Christ.
Sunday School
Youth Group
Mission Activities
Retreats and Conferences
Congregational Retreat
Each Spring, members of all ages join together for a weekend away at Massanetta Springs Conference Center. This is a wonderful opportunity to deepen our faith in Jesus while growing closer to one another. This is an extended period for children to get to know senior adults, people from different mission teams to form new bonds, and new members to find their place within our body of believers. We advertise well in advance and try to keep the costs affordable so that everyone who wishes may attend.

Church Libraries
Our church libraries are for the use of the congregation. We have a variety of books, both theological and general interest. We have three libraries:
Harriet B. Wood Library - fiction, humor, biography are available as well as religion-oriented books.
Rev. Dr. Jim Allison Library - Bible studies, commentaries, academic theological resources
Mary Lea Hartman Children's Library - books from children birth through elementary
The Library Mission Group will select, maintain, increase awareness of, and encourage the use of library resources for the enjoyment, inspiration, and education of youth and adult members of Raleigh Court Presbyterian Church.