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Congregational Care

Deaf Ministry

We provide Conceptually Accurate Signed English interpretation of one Sunday School class and the worship service every week for members of the congregation and any visitors who are deaf or hard of hearing who use sign language as their main means of communication.


The Funeral Reception Mission Group provides blessings of concern and care for grieving families by organizing receptions following funerals or memorial services.

Grounds Crew

The Maintenance Support Mission Group provides support and skills to the church maintenance. The group assists with larger repair and maintenance projects. Each spring and fall, the group helps to clean and replenish church grounds and landscaping. 


Photographers capture pictures at worship services, fellowship events, mission opportunities, and baptisms, presenting each baptism family with a commemorative book. Their skills have provided every photo you see on this website.

Wrapped in Love

Each child baptized at RCPC receives a quilt. More than 100 prayer shawls and lap robes have been knitted by this group for members or friends experiencing illness, grief or other challenges.

Meal Trains

Church members organize meal deliveries for families welcoming a new baby, recovering from illness or surgery, or experiencing a loss. To join the Meal Train email list and be notified of opportunities to provide a meal, email

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